"Let's go glean some from the farm!" suggested an energetic Tom. Dog and kids loaded into the car, we headed for the nuts.

After drying them in the oven we began our cracking party.

Once we'd cracked enough for my cookie recipe I began stirring up the dough and forming the logs.

Nuts that weren't added to cookie dough were roasted in the oven, cooled, and frozen for later use. It was hard to not grab handfuls and eat them all!

After baking and cooling the logs, I sliced 'em up and baked them again.

Craving satisfied!
(Thanks, WC, for spurring my creativity with your Hazelnut Pie!)
Oh oh oh...this is too good. You might need to share the recipe as well =)
Just where do you live? We might need to be neighbors.
Just follow your nose once you get near milepost 194A and you'll find me.
(Are you guys moving down here??? Oh please oh please oh please.....)
I will be sniffing =)
It is a very real possibility as early as after Christmas...but a lot is up in the air right now. I will keep you posted.
YAY! I will be praying for you guys - wisdom in the decision making process and all of that.
Is that a Giada recipe?
Your hazelnuts look different from mine. My shells were longer and more oval shaped, as are my nuts. I got a blister from cracking all of mine! I got about 6 - 7 cups in total.
My SIL's parents apparently like biscotti, and since they have been so good to me, I thought I'd make them some biscotti for Christmas. It was their hazelnut tree after all! I plan on using the recipe from Giada's book.
WC, I thought it was a Giada recipe but it's a Mario recipe.
I wonder if there must be different varieties of hazelnuts? I wonder if they taste exactly the same?
We have the Handy Andy nutcracker as you can see in one of the pictures. It makes nut cracking pain-free. Hazelnuts are soooo hard and thick shelled. You cracked a LOT of nuts to get over six cups. Good for you!
On the Foodtv.com website I saw a Giada biscotti recipe but she made them into drop cookies and I wanted the traditional shape. Does she have a recipe for the long, twice-baked cookies in her book? I'm going to HAVE to get her books!
Oh man even more great food.
I'm the only one who can't cook!!!!
Those look like gourmet fare!
You could make these, BJ. I was surprised at how easy they were - especially when they do look like gourmet fare when done. I'm thinking 'Christmas gifts for the parents'. ;)
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