Capturing the sunshine and holding onto it for a little while these flowers cheer like a 'happy light" for a few more weeks.

Our CSA box gave stark proof that, no matter how I may resist, summer is over and autumn is upon us. I love autumn. I love summer. I am a hanger-on. I sit on the flower-bedecked sun porch and let the last hours of sunshine heat my face, arms, and legs. I don't worship, but I adore. I do adore Apollo on his shorter race across the sky, flaming brightly, mercifully giving me a few more sunny days.
It makes it easier to let go when one is let down slowly.
Indian summer.
Lovely. I am always grateful for the Indian summer. The best of my favorite seasons.
Me, too, M.E. Me, too.
Even though it is still warm in FL it did get a little cool earlier in the week and today mu daughter had to have chili!
I savor the few crunchie leaves we have.
Crunchy leaves are a delight! I savor them, too, Robin. Thanks for stopping by.
Hey, did you daughter get her chili?
What GORGEOUS pictures!!! Thank you so much Cherie!
Thank you, Bridget!
Cherie, I just dropped by again to refresh my eyes.
I LOVE all these things - but not the winter that follows after
BJ - Chili, flowers, squashes - they do soothe, don't they. In sight and taste.
Gardenia, me, too. The winter that follows seems ominous to me right now. Is it because our summer was so very pleasant, so kind and soothing? Maybe I need to allow winter to show me her good side, too. Hmm..
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