Tom asked if he could pick it up.
He did. And as he was setting it down he said, "That weighs 85 lbs."
The lady's mouth dropped open. She reached under the counter for his gift, a small jar of jam.
She asked, "How'd you know? I mean, that's exactly what it weighs."

My husband the mechanic - and now enjoyer of a fine jar of rhubard jam, with almonds.
And he shares.
Yea for Tom! I love husbands with all sorts of strange man-talents. Growing up I was always amazed that my dad knew exactly what time it was (within 2 minutes) without a watch, and could also guess weights so accurately. Now my husband possesses the skills, and I am still amazed.
Man-talents truly are a wonder!
Andrew (my husband) just read this post and comment section and smiled. I almost heard Tim Allen grunting noises.
A Tim Allen grunt huh. I'm familiar with those - got three grunters in our family, too. ;)
Way to go Tom!!
That's one of the few times that a talent like that pays off. ;)
I've got an award waiting for you over at ReTorte.
How incredible, and how great is that!!! A smart husband who shares AND wins great prizes! Congrats Cherie!
Tshs: You got that right!
WC: I'll be right over.
BJ: Thanks!!
Wow! What fun - that kind of jam sounds so good too!!!!! They really should have given you the wheel with it!
You know, Gardenia, you're right! Tom should have been given the whole giant wheel.
Oy....that's a LOT of cheese....
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