Baking. The mood is here. The family is smiling, eating cautiously, moderation in everything, even tasty treats.
Almond Puff makes another appearance in the Kitchen of Cherie after over two decades in hiding.

Except for chocolate cupcakes which will probably disappear long before my camera clicks their picture, I'll be switching gears for Super Bowl Sunday. I have no idea who's playing this year. I do know that it's an excuse to have friends over to play awhile. I'm told some of the commercials are going to be in 3-D. We picked up a bunch of free 3-D glasses from Safeway for the occasion. How strange and silly we'll look! I'll bet we'll be smiling though.
Besides the cupcakes, I'll be making chili today and cornbread muffins tomorrow.
Will I be cooked and baked out by next week, I don't know. There's a huge bowlful of freshly made beef stock in the fridge that is begging to be made into something fine. Is French Onion Soup made with beef stock? I have to consult some recipe books. If I burn out, I'll freeze the stock so it can live to be cooked another day.
Happy Super Bowl Sunday, however you choose to spend it!