Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Color of Autumn

Lower in the sky the sun shines less warm, the days begin and end later and sooner. Why is it that chili comes to mind? I don't know, but it did and the spicy food, made with my garden's peppers, tomatoes, and herbs comforted perfectly.

Capturing the sunshine and holding onto it for a little while these flowers cheer like a 'happy light" for a few more weeks.

Our CSA box gave stark proof that, no matter how I may resist, summer is over and autumn is upon us. I love autumn. I love summer. I am a hanger-on. I sit on the flower-bedecked sun porch and let the last hours of sunshine heat my face, arms, and legs. I don't worship, but I adore. I do adore Apollo on his shorter race across the sky, flaming brightly, mercifully giving me a few more sunny days.

It makes it easier to let go when one is let down slowly.

Indian summer.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bon Vivants

Leeks were part of our CSA box Tuesday. Having never explored leeks myself I asked the kids what I should create with them. Joe, my Europe-traveling son, immediately said, "Vichyssoise, of course."

A little research.

Ingredients gathered.

Leeks softened in butter. Garlic added.

Potatoes, broth, softened leeks, thirty minutes simmering.

Blenderized and voila! Vichyssoise garnished with freshly snipped chives from the garden.

Heated crusty bread and we are feeling our French roots today!

Bon appetit!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cascade Burning

While the Cascade Mountain forests burn east of here - sad, so sad - the smoke visits our skies. And parches throats, and irritates eyes, and lays ash over everything.

But still, there is beauty to be had.

Jolly harvest Man-in-the-Moon colored by smoke.

Red sky at morning...

Sam glows in early morning hours.

Smoke creeps across the late afternoon sky.

Like playful fairies gold lollygags on walls...

..and on furniture.

An evening promise that the sunset will be no less spectacular.

This entire gilded day was surreal. Weird. An inward day of unusual beauty and understanding.

In the end, a cool fall wind blew the hot sticky away, yet the smoke remains.

I hope and pray the firemen are safe, the fires die down, and citizens can return to unharmed homes once again.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September Sand Storm

Weather disappointment gave way to curious natural discoveries once the wind at the beach died down enough to allow beach combing.

Normally the sand dune hills at this location are smooth, interrupted only by foot prints.

We called these interesting formations 'lids'.

Pointing up from the sand these jags created seas of their own along the beach.

More common during normal windy conditions these ripples had the look of a meticulously raked Buddhist sand garden.

Never before have we seen these 'toad stool' sculptures rise up from the sand. Marvelous creations of wind, sand, and moisture!

Close-up view of a sandy toadstool, sand still rolling and scraping around it, continuing the artful process.

The sea churns.

Fascination erupted at a new sight for Caroline as she observed sand shifting in the air as it blurred her view of the Pacific.

Beauty has many forms. To be open to them - to allow their introduction - is to discover deeper joy, strange new forms of Divine Art.

In the end, we were not at all sorry for the storm. Instead of coming home with only the usual beachy views of loveliness we were also privy to secret gardens heretofore unknown to us. We came away with a new refreshment, a rejuvenation blown in and through us with the wind.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Five Dozen Ears

In the spirit of Embracing the Seasons I offer a glimpse of our family's annual corn harvest party.

Pick it at the local farm.

Heat up the water.

Like a little hot tub for cobs.

Ice bath!

Out the kitchen door to the table where Tom removes the sweet kernels.

Cassie and Caroline bag it for the freezer.

"It's fun to do this every year, Mommy!"
