"Trees are the best monuments that a man can erect to his own memory. They speak his praises without flattery, and they are blessings to children yet unborn." ~~Lord Orrery, 1749

"Acts of creation are ordinarily reserved for gods and poets.
To plant a pine, one need only own a shovel." ~~Aldo Leopold

"A tree uses what comes its way to nurture itself. By sinking its roots deeply into the earth, by accepting the rain that flows towards it, by reaching out to the sun, the tree perfects its character and becomes great. ... Absorb, absorb, absorb. That is the secret of the tree." ~~Deng Ming-Dao ( Everyday Tao, 1996)

We planted three birch trees this weekend to replace three Thundercloud Plum trees we had to remove before building the addition. The plum trees were old and rotting and ready to enter the wood pile. Trees comfort me. Thank you, Tom, for all the work you've done to make these beautiful trees a part of our family's environment!

"They are beautiful in their peace, they are wise in their silence. They will stand after we are dust. They teach us, and we tend them." ~~Galeain ip Altiem MacDunelmor

“He who plants a tree plants hope.” ~~Lucy Larcom

“Speak to the Earth, and it shall teach thee.” ~~Job 12.8
I Love Tree Branches In Winter.They Look Like Roots In The Sky.
Exactly how I see them, Tony. Like rootballs jabbing the sky. The lines they make intrigue me. I love the leaves, too, but do appreciate the winter look.
How cool is this? Another birth, or has this been around for a while? I love the pictures and all the nature. Good for you Cherie!
Thank, Sandy! Yes, another birth. This little blog hasn't been around but for a few weeks. Like you I adore the beauty and mystery of nature. I'm glad you enjoy the photos. I sure enjoy yours!
Spring has sprung! Beautiful.
It has here anyway... ;)
Is the second one down holly?
I love trees, that's one reason I like it so well here where I now live. It broke my heart when I came back and found two of the pines in the back yard I planted and tended were missing.........
The second one down is a little azalea.
When someone destroys a tree that you've tended and enjoyed it's a stinging death that takes a long time to recover from, I know. I'm sorry about your pines, Gardenia.
We have this in common, an appreciation and love of our tall friends, the trees!
How good your pictures look, and I'm sure the yard looks even better. Hope you're having a springy week, Cherie.
There's much to do in the yard, Deanna; beauty advances in little steps. The good we've done inspires us toward the good left to do.
Having a dreary week but am told warmth and sunshine are headed this way. Yippee!! Me SAD brain needs the sun.
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