Tom happened to be wearing a fire equipment shirt he was given for one of the many seminars he's attended as a mechanic. He was the obvious choice for cat-rescue-hero. Before the kids and I could make our decision official Tom shinnied up the tree. Besides some good exercise his efforts proved futile.

Sam stretched tall, sniffing, letting an occasional beagle bay reverberate from his throat. "Unacceptable to have a strange cat in my yard!"
The cat descended and fled by the time red sky at morning appeared. Caroline checked.
For over a month I've felt like that feline, up a tree and not knowing how to descend to my normal environment. Frozen. But, like the cat, I'm down again. The world makes sense and I'm not afraid anymore.
For now.
We all have our treed cat moments. Loved the post.
I think you are right, Gardenia. Glad you enjoyed the post. It feels good to be the cat on the ground again these days.
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