All my life I've waited for the perfect Macaroni and Cheese recipe to find me. Boxed stuff repulses me, sorry. I have particular tastes when it comes to cheese, too. But still, Mac and Cheese requires so much more than good cheese.

My mom puts a can of tomato sauce on hers, along with slabs of cheese, a little milk, and white flour pasta. The family goes wild with delight, replicating it in their own homes.
I never liked it, though. Sorry Mom. (She doesn't read my blogs - I'm safe.)

Yesterday, a recipe presented itself in
Sunset magazine. I jumped. I shopped. I bought. I handled with care, prepared, and with the help of Tom and the girls we created what to us is the Best Macaroni and Cheese We've Ever Tasted, scorched bread crumbs and all. Imagine sinking a spoon down into this ramekin of pasta and finding creamy cheeses, fresh herbs, garlic, green onions, bacon, and Italian whole wheat macaroni.
You can find the recipe
here. It is very quick to make - no sauces to stir up, fast broil time. My ramkins must be smaller than the recipe calls for as I had enough left over to fill five more of the little pots for another meal. Nice!
I'll be repeating this gem again and again, I'm sure!