"I feel like I could go to bed now and sleep all night."
All three of us echoed that sentiment.

It was six o'clock.
The dog looked up at me with luminous brown eyes waiting for me put on shoes and grab his walking leash.
"We've got to fight this hibernation instinct or we are going to have too long a winter, girls," I said with all the strength of voice I could muster.
Resistance. And more resistance.
But I can ramrod notions.
Two grumbly teens changed out of warm flannel pants and into jeans, grabbed hoodies and a flashlight. I leashed up the now-exuberant pup, and we plodded outside.
And it felt good. Sleep stalled for a few hours, we ended up working out on the Wii Fit, the girls practiced their guitars, night fell, and we slept - soundly.

A storm whipped up overnight - probably the reason for the instinct to curl up and doze - leaving rain, wind, and bulbous clouds this morning, with the sun curiously peeking through the gray now and then.

Perky girls once again.
Invigorated family.
How I love a storm!