Today the film comes to mind as I struggle to let go, to pry my fingers up, to allow my mind to find strength through relaxing, to do the gritty impossible by becoming gentle, trusting outside forces, to willingly sink into life as into a comfortable sofa at the end of a tiring day.
Why is it so hard to relax? To quit straining? To loosen up? To see that not everything requires my management, that, in fact, the time for my firm hand on some things has past? That I've done all I can, that freedom awaits if I'd just accept it? A gift. New beginnings. Forward movement.
And if I refuse? The knotted ropes I've created which bind me head-to-toe only tighten with the struggle. To believe that it is in energy's cessation that the ropes drop away seems ridiculous, yet, in this particular instance it is so. Required is a different sort of energy, quiet energy, flowing, centered, mindful, trusting, wise, light, peaceful, inclusive, faithful, experienced, awake, confident, and in a winning way, resigned.
How can it be so difficult to NOT and so easy to STRAIN?

Understanding is the beginning of wisdom. And therein lies the answer. Acknowledgement of a problem is the beginning of solution. I'm on the right path.

Now, relax little fingers, we'll land in a safe place, a new safe place.
Whatever you're going through, your thoughts about it could apply to many times and things from my life. As always, I appreciate your processing, Cherie.
And I had to look till I found where you used the Pearl Buck quote. Nice. It's pretty amazing, that someone of her stature gets it (got it?).
Thanks, Deanna. Inner processings written out reveal themselves to the like-minded, and there is encouragement there. You get. I get it. Pearl Buck got it. Nice to have company on the path - even if we don't see them all the time, good to know they are there.
Struggling is a hard thing to stop. I, too, have had to let go a lot in the past 2 months. It finally hit me when I realized that my struggles were poisoning my own family's health.
Thanks for wording this in such a tranquil way...it helps. ;)
Tshs: We walk the same journey roads, you and I, with similar personalities, challenges, and ways of dealing with life. I hope things are good for you these days...
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