Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Yearn, Ache, Sob

Me photographing the Irish countryside, 2015
In all my dimensions I miss the United Kingdom and Europe. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually I pine pine pine to be there right now.

In particular England, Ireland, Italy, and France.

I was fortunately blessed to travel there about a year ago, for an extended stay.

While I was blissfully happy to return to my home once again, that bliss has completely receded.

In its place is a void so huge it hurts.

I find myself weeping - even sobbing - to return.

I miss the old buildings, the Old World everywhere.

I miss the languages.

I miss the people.

I miss the beauty.

I miss the clock towers with their ringing bells.

I miss the clatter of the cobblestones.

I miss the Irish smiles and laughter, the friendliness.

I miss rashers, those delicious breakfast meats.

I miss Dublin's energy, and Galway's pride.

I miss the smells - old and musty and then new and alive.

I miss the arches and bridges and rivers with their walkways.

I miss the Tube of London, the buses, too.

I miss Hyde Park in the evening.

I miss the meat pies, the tarts, the lemonade.

I miss the flower boxes and gardens surprising me as I stroll and explore.

I miss the Left Bank with its ghosts of people I would love to have met.

I miss the castles and cathedrals.

The wrought is it I can so incredibly miss wrought iron, but I do.

I miss the meandering rock walls and crumbling rock ruins.

I miss the art EVERYWHERE.

I miss the shops, the pubs, the excellence.

I miss the little hilly Italian villages with the moon and sun over them.

I miss Venice, the canals, the boats, the lights, the colors.

I miss thick drinking chocolate with whipped cream.

I miss the olive groves heavy with fruit, their pale green leaves merry in the sunshine.

I miss the bread - oh, my, do I miss the bread.

I miss standing and moving and breathing in an ancient timeline of which I am part.

I miss the way I feel when I'm there...

... as if I am embraced...

... as if I am home.