Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Compassion in the Face of Suffering

Hurt people hurt. Forgiven people forgive. ~~ Steve Saint
It really is as simple and as complicated as that. Our responses in the face of tragedy, cruelty, pain, and suffering reflect back to us the condition of our hearts.

As a child, when I responded with sadness or horror to suffering of various levels, whether fictionalized or real, I was told I was 'too sensitive'. Today I realize the wrongness in that sentiment. My empathy normally led to acts of kindness, even if only to pray.

Memories of my own suffering spur me to compassion for others.

Settling shame from causing others to suffer does its work in my heart, when I let it, leading to a contrition that yields its beautiful fruit in time; forgiveness and understanding for others.

Today, I embrace the suffering my heart endures for it tells me that it remains soft, not hard. A hard heart does not notice or care when injustices stab at it. A soft heart gasps at the injury, remembers the cause, and thanks the Lord for his gentle nudging toward enlightenment.

Suffering hurts. Its pain is either the root of bitterness and decay, or the catalyst for compassion and wisdom.

I choose compassion.

[Thanks to my friend, Joanne Wilson, for the above quote from Steve Saint.]

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sweet, Gentle June

June approaches kindly, gently, bringing with her beauty in color and scent.

Life once buried safely under snow and soil bursts forth.

Colorful blossoms relax my face, bring an easy smile.

Aromatic herbs, graciously and gratefully plucked, season daily meals offering flavor and health.

Under a turquoise umbrella surrounded by this lovely potted garden I rest while delicious breezes calm my soul, cause my lungs to breathe deeply. 

Relaxing June Day.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

'Candlelight Sunset'

Photo taken by me at Seaside, Oregon in May 2012 
Like softly glowing candlelight, the ebbing day gives way to night. And welcomes in a dusky glow that dances on the sea below. A time to rest from daily chores to walk along the heavenly shore and in a humble prayer we say, 'Thank You, God, for another day.'  

~~ by JoAnne Wolford

Friday, February 24, 2012

Between Oregon Rains


First colors of late winter

Tiny and unassuming

Pockets of Hope, Renewal, Joy