Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Beauty Observed, Youth Preserved


 Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.  

~~ Franz Kafka

Monday, March 6, 2023

Laughter, a Heart Sneeze

Translated, this means Laughter is a dust of joy that makes the heart sneeze.

I love that.

May you experience many a joyful heart sneeze today!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Snowy Morning Valentine's Day

What is it about morning and snow and a low sun glowing behind light clouds? Thoughts turn to God, when peering through an old window from a wood-stove warmed living room, lamps glowing. My husband's Bible is lying open on the antique table where he drank his morning tea and read a bit of the Psalms while in his clean work clothes before work. In the quiet of the darkness, before the sun began peeking over the horizon, my husband gave God the first time of his day. This humbles me. Seeing his Bible there is like catching a glimpse of sacredness, of eternity sampled. I feel honored to be his wife, blessed by God with a steady man who gives and gives and gives - for over 42 years - that we may have a safe and happy home. How I appreciate this man! More and more as the years go by. His steadfastness - his quiet living out of his duty and his love - comfort me today. So important to celebrate these small holidays. They offer clarity. Valentine's Day observed, marital love cherished. All the more.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Wendy Visits

In less than a week my dear friend, Wendy, comes to stay in my home for four days.

I cannot wait!

Wendy blisses out over art, as do I.

Wendy finds glee in studying and tasting an excellent vino, note-taking and all, as do I.

Wendy is up for a serendipitous and spontaneous adventure, as am I.

Wendy rhapsodizes over masterful art museums, stoic European ruins, dazzling French countryside, creamy Italian gelato, English fish 'n chips, driving Ireland's wildly narrow rural roads, musty majestic cathedrals, and ancient hilltop castles. As do I.

We talk for hours (which feel like minutes), feeding off one another, animatedly gesturing as we talk, sharing joy and pain and the knowledge and mystical sense of history innate in all of these mutual interests of ours. 

When we finally reach the end of our sharing, we are ecstatic. 

Effervescent co-mingling of ideas creates its own masterpiece, one that uniquely touches our engaged human hearts.

Precious friendships like ours break up the ordinariness of life, infusing it with color and challenge, as well as deep satisfaction. 

I hope you have a friend like Wendy. Even better, I hope you are a friend like Wendy.

Enthusiastic and ever young.

Thursday, February 4, 2021


February 2021 - Life is a work of art, and a work of art is an adventure of the mind, heart, and spirit.
Here's to a brand new month in a brand new year full of brand new possibility. 
Shaking off the fear that consumed last year,
Focusing on the joy of life,
Taking back territory surrendered to the virus.
I will control what I can, create what I want, enjoy and learn and grow.
Let's do this!

Living among flowers  

 amidst people who love flowers  

is to dwell in the beauty of grace. 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Oh Little Angel, Shining Light

When I hold my little two month old granddaughter as she sleeps, the world slows to the sound of her breathing, embraces from the warmth of her relaxed, slumbering body, and refreshes at the smell of her fuzzy, soft head at my cheek. I explore her tiny hand wrapped around my finger, her little ears that look like her mama's which look like mine, the perfect shape of her tiny head, her nose, her eyes, her rosebud mouth. I am only aware of God, my life, this baby who is part of me. I do nothing but experience that blessed, prayer full moment - utterly undistracted - in the beautiful, timeless moment that is love.